October 31, 2011

Trash Mistakes/Store Mistakes?

miss me bloggie? ;) still workin on my homeworks tho'. i got a lot of em but you already knew it rite? well maybe 'still workin' is not the right phrase, lets just say, im trying to work.

it began tonight. When i suddenly thinking about trash;disposal or something. Such a random thought. I was about to search some meaning of words in any kind of languages too so i opened google translate. I typed ‘saya membuang yang seharusnya disimpan dan menyimpan yang seharusnya dibuang’ and it became this

follow me @feekau
 i didnt expect to be retweeted, but i did. yeah seemed like some people had the same thought as me. 

when i had mistake, i really totally regret it so badly like crazy. im gonna think about it over and over again, wishing it would never happened or wishing i wish i didnt do it or i wish i did something. but at the end of the day, i'll see its not too bad. my mistakes define who i am right now, rite? the way i think, the way i act, the way i treat people, the way i understand people, everything. one mistake could change everything. 

if you ask me, what is my biggest mistake in my whole life? i'd say my biggest mistake is not letting myself finding my own self. if i could just loosen up or that kinda thing maybe im gonna be a waaaay more different than who i am. but still, i no regret anything. i thankful to God for every laughters and tears, every happy and sad, every joy and bore, every up and down.

October 14, 2011



Blue tank

Dorothy Perkins tuxedo jacket
£39 - dorothyperkins.com

Zara sheepskin bootie
$90 - zara.com

H M leather handbag
£70 - hm.com

Munnu gemstone bangle
£21,820 - couturelab.com

Ugo Cacciatori silver jewelry
€406 - lindestore.com

Helmut Lang skirt

Missoni skirt

Givenchy cardigan


Thakoon cardigan

Acne blouse

October 11, 2011



Julien Macdonald lace evening dress
$2,005 - net-a-porter.com

TopShop dress

Karen Walker long pleated skirt
$484 - shoplesnouvelles.com

Ri2k leather handbag
£110 - johnlewis.com

Proenza Schouler skirt

Doo Ri skirt

Karen Walker skirt

October 09, 2011

Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

Hi bloggie. Ive just finished one of my tasks. I finished project 3! Yeay *standing ovation*

Do you know what the biggest opinion changer on someone? Their expectation and their action. They expect us to do much when you know they already realized how far you can go. They act like you can do everything when you know they already realized you cant do everything in one exact same time! Geez mood destroyer! 

Happened to having some relative who did that. Such a........ I dont know, bad person, I guess. I just turned out to be dislike that person. I know I cant judge this person so quickly but I just cant take it. Okay enough for the victim.

I was wondering why is my playlist playing sad love songs on and on? Then I realized I typed the 'love' keyword without erase it after. There is no incindent, there is only a moment you meant to do but you forget why you did that. Enough for tonight. I dont want any drama or that kinda thing for now. Im keeping it for my pre-sleep tonight. Gotta go shalat. Bye bloggie post you as soon as my homeworks could be finished

October 08, 2011

Instant Broke

Woke up late has given me a lot to learn and less things to get done. Today, I wasted my daily money as quick as I got them. Cause of late! Woke up late for sure...

I took taxi to @ESMODjakarta, because i couldnt find nor see any seat in the bus. The bus was so rare this morning! IDKW. I was barely desperate and was thinking, kinda hoping, if I see the taxi first, then taxi is. Voila. It happened. I already thought that its gonna be so high on fare but i didnt want my score being cut off. I stayed up late for that and my score wouldnt be cut off cause of late! Such a rhyme. I paid 45 thousands for the fare --I was thinking about it all day-- but the brightside is I wasnt late! Yeay!......................................................

October 03, 2011

Random Day

Hari ini hari senin, hari pertama diminggu ini kan yaaa. Today was totally random! Such a random day! Fix gue ngakak nulis ini hahahaha oke gue mulai cerita dari awal banget gue buka mata dihari ini yah.

I always set my alarm at 5 am but today i just hit the dismiss button. Like usual. Jadi gue baru officially bangun jam 6 kurang dan ga mungkin banget solat subuh jam segitu. Bad beginning of the day. Setelah mandi kegalauan pertama gue adalah "pake baju apa hari ini" iyaloooooo ngabisin waktu 10 menit cuma gara2 ginian doang hffff *tutup muka mulut manyun*

Bawaan gue hari ini lumayan banget! Ga sebanyak biasanya! *guncang2 badan orang* Gue cuma bawa tas, plastik 1, bantex. Dikit khand! Untung banget tadi ga macet!

-----skip sampe jam 5-----

Gue, irma sama marsa pas sebelum pulang melipir dulu ke ck niatnya mau jajan sekalian nukerin uang. Laluuuuu pas gue bayar gue taro hp gue diatas meja kasir terus gue bayar dengan sewajarnya. Terus gue balik sama irma. Pas lagi di bis... baru nyadar.... HP GUE KETINGGALAN DI CIRCLE K!!!!!!!!! (Tragedi CK). Gue sama irma langsung caw turun dari bis balik ke ck.... untungnya ga jauh :"""""" dijalan gue ketawa2 sama irma ngomongin mas2 smk yang tadi dateng kekelas gue. kaya semacam study tour gitu laaah (Random ga wajar). Nyampe ck, gue menemukan hp gue, yang selalu setia sama gue tanpa menduakan gue dengan pemilik yang lain, masih tergeletak diatas mesin kasir! Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah *berdentang lagu opik* (Random bersyukur) Oke, akhirnya gue sama irma naik bis lagi... agak deja vu.... (-oo-) Nah kita udah sampe depan melawai tuh tapi sayang sekali kawan, kita diturunin dari bis D''''': (Tragedi 610) Si irma udah ngomel2 sendiri soalnya kan ya terminal rada harus jalan jauh emang gapapa~ #PeduliIrma #KasianIrma. Gue  nyantai dong didepan melawai banyak bis tjoy, gue merasa keren. Ga harus diri melongo, dengan muka beler gue, nungguin bis 69 dari arah terminal. Gue jalan sore ke bis 69 terdekat. Pas naik gue galau mau duduk dikursi yang mana ya? Oke gue duduk dipaling depan deket kursi. Pilihan salah. Kaki gue panas deket mesin (Random kaki panas) hiks.... 

Tau ga saat2 terindah pas malam2 dijakarta? Menikmati lampu2 kendaraan yang merah dan oranye berderet kaya dibuku hubungkanlah titik2 ini. Padat Merayap. No traffic, no cool. Mari nge-jam bersama traffic. Yeah. (Galau macet) Udah sedikit lagi menuju kasur, no desperado. Akhirnya dengan penuh keringat, gue mencapai level kemacetan yang lain. Cipulir. Gue duduk santai ngipas2in keringet pake brosur workshop apple bekas hari jumat. Tapi ngipasinnya pelit cuma ke gue doang. Yaiyalah ngapain amat gue ngipasin mba2 sebelah gue, apalagi supir bisnya hhhhhh. Gue kayanya kualat, gue diturunin.... lagi..... Lo tau ga rasanya dikhianati? Dibuang dengan alasan yang sama kedua kalinya? Saat kenek bau keringet itu bilang 'Ikut belakang ikut belakang!' Bang hati saya sakit, kaki saya panas, badan saya keringetan, bang.... bang.... *menciut* (Tragedi 69)

Gue turun dengan perasaan sakit hati. Fix gue naik angkot aja!!!! Gue naik c01, nyiapin uang koin seribuan gue 2. Dijalan gue mainin aja tuh koin 2 biar ga repot lagi nyari2. Angkot yang gue naikin pasangnya lagu remix berirama koplo. Parah ga enak didengerin pas macet... bikin pusing.... Tapi ternyata bapak2 depan gue berpendapat lain. Dia mengangguk2an kepala seperti burung kutilang berusaha menyamakan irama. Failed.... Sok asik banget itu bapak2.... (Kemencelosan pikiran) Perjalanan gue menuju kasur semakin dekatttttt! Gue udah nyampe petukangan sampai tiba2..... sekonyong2..... koin seribu gue jatoh tjoy..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Tragedi koin seribu baru/Tragedi C01) Berusaha mencari dibawah kaki gue tapi ga ada. Berusaha stay cool, gue ga mau nyari lagi---selamet ya untuk yang nemuin koin itu :)---. Gue pake uang 10rb gue akhirnya. 

Singkat cerita, gue berhasil sampe rumah dengan perasaan galau, random, imut, lucu, geli, capek, bau dan senang.

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is secret. Today is gift"

October 01, 2011


Apasih weekend? Minggu akhir? Semut juga tau kalo minggu itu hari terakhir.... Anak kuliahan ga kenal istilah weekend! *belagu* *sesenggukan dipojokan* *ngelap air mata* Selama gue kuliah gue ga pernah sekalipun ngerasain leha-leha di kedua hari paling bungsu di 7 bersaudara ini. Parrrrrrrrraaaah.

Minggu kemaren gue udah ngerjain 1 tugas pas weekend. 1 tugas aja ngerjainnya 2 hari. Minggu ini im about to do 3 homeworks! I already made one so there is one day left before monday. Now i understand why people hate monday much.

Semoga besok gue bisa berhasil ngerjain 2 tugas itu secara maksimal ya bloggie..... Amin.

Adakan pengajian.