November 21, 2011

We Are Still The Winner of Sea Games

Baru aja gue selesai nonton final bola u-23. Kita kalah dari Malaysia (lagi). sebenernya bukan kita yang kalah, mereka-pemain2- yang kalah. kecewa sih udah pasti tapi ya mau gimana dong. bola udah masuk gawang. ga mungkin kita undo kan? 

gue jadi inget momen2 pas lagi aff. itu 2010 bukan sih? apa 2011? kita mulai gembar-gembor soal timnas. gembar-gembor yang ga wajar. masuk infotainmentlah, diundang kerumah pejabat, iklan makan sosislah, apalah itu semua. mereka ditreat kaya mereka udah juara, udah dapet piala. padahal apa? belom. malaysia yang ngangkat piala aff di gbk. sh*t. abis itu infotainment masih aja ngomongin timnas. mereka udah kaya mega selebritis aja. 

tapi pas kali ini beda, yang main masih muda tapi menurut gue skill malah bagusan yang ini daripada timnas senior. entah kenapa. pelatihnya aja orang indonesia. ga nyewa orang luar tuh. gue gatau apa ada eksploitasi berlebih dari media kaya waktu dulu apa ga, soalnya gue jarang nonton infotainment kalo dirumah. cuman yang gue liat mereka itu ga terlalu diekspos, ya ga sih? mungkin media belajar dari pengalaman yang lama kali ya~

oke balik ke permasalahan KEKALAHAN kita dari malaysia untuk yang kedua kalinya. jujur menurut gue kita ga kalah kok dari mereka. skill pemain kita bagus dan emang malaysia lawan yang pas buat difinal. poin kekalahan kita juga karena kalah adu pinalti yang tendangan terakhir dari pemain malaysia sempet ditepis sama kiper tapi ternyata lewat secara pelan2~ yaudah sih ya gue pribadi maklum kok kalo adu pinalti itu kan udah bukan kekompakan tim lagi yang jadi masalah, tapi keberuntungan. ya untung2an lo bisa masukin, kalo lo gugup ya ga, kalo lo nyantai aja ya mungkin bisa mungkin ga juga!

hal pertama yang terlintas: gue males banget buka timeline di twitter. soalnya pasti lagi pada ngomongin ini semua. udah gitu pasti ada yang lebay. plis banget tjoy, cuma gini doang kali. satu cabang permainan doang. jumlah emas kita jauh kok dari malaysia, kalo emang yang lo permasalahin itu adalah malaysia. mental kita turun jadi pedendam, tukang hina, tukang fitnah. bahkan salah satu acc di twitter yang udah punya nama, ngehina juga. astaga. mau jadi apa negara kita kalo sekarang aja kita cuma ngehina2 mereka doang. kita ngehina mereka, kita dapet dosa mereka. ga untungnya bagi kita kan. 

ga masalah kita kalah dari malaysia, mereka bagus kok. timnas u-23 juga bagus banget. mereka udah ngasih yang terbaik buat kita, terbuti dari 120 menit mereka berjuang mati2an, guling2an dirumput yang udah diludahin, kena keringet, becek. jangan nambah beban pikiran mereka. gatau kan lo kalo mereka ga bisa tidur malem ini. siapa tau mereka down banget apalagi kalo ngeliat suporter mereka sendiri, their own nation, nyalahin mereka atas kekalahan ini. mereka pasti tau mereka salah dan pasti hal ini bakalan jadi beban pikiran mereka untuk malam2 berikutnya. gausah jadi suporter karbitan. kita orang indonesia dan selamanya akan terus begitu. lo ngehina timNAS berarti lo ngehina bangsa lo sendiri. malu kan? 
terima kekalahan dengan lapang dada lebih baik daripada kemenangan dengan busung dada
 heads up Indonesia! we are definitelly the champion of Sea Games 2011!

November 15, 2011

Jadi Sedih

Saya sedang mendengarkan lagu yang membuat saya merasa sedih mendengarnya. Sebenernya saya bingung antara ini lagu cinta atau bukan tapi saya suka lirik dan melodinya. Tidak rumit tapi menghasilkan suatu perasaan yang tidak dapat dijelaskan. Hem oke gue cape nulis dengan bahasa baku. 

I just heard this song, indonesian song. Sung by Bayu Risa and the song called 'Sela'. Its a good song, you must hear it. One of my favorite song for now. The lyrics and melodies are the best. The best part of the song is when it says....
".........disini ku berdiri tegak... kuyakin kamu bahwaku... bisa kirimku kembali.... cukup kau yakini... dan beriku waktu dan beriku sela........"
In english its about...
"I stand here. I believe you could send me back. Thats enough for you to trust and give me time and give me interstice"
Sad isnt it? I first heard this song on Traxfm radio and i fell in love at the first time. I know you curious about the song. Well, im about to give you a shot or maybe hundred shots if you keep repeat it. Here it is, enjoy the song and do not drop your tears okay? Haha

How is it? Feeling some anxiety or sadness? Well been there.

November 09, 2011

Rhetorical Questions

is it true that world has nothing but lies within

is it true that people are working each other to make some people desperate

is it true that truth is true

conspiracy. one word which explains a world

im not accusing some people or 'folks' out there are contributing together to make some kind of conspiracy, but thats all i heard from the books and articles i read

once you get involved, youll never get out. they say

i become more interested and curious about this. i for one thinking that maybe i should go to politic science in university, not this one i went to. but i dont want to make any sins by become a politician or hurt someone's feeling by becoming a critician.

in fact, i dont know which one is the truth and which one the lie is

when everything is blur, could you define the edge

when everything is grey, could you point which one is white

when everything is the same, could you say something strange

when everything is bright, could you see the light

when everything is dark, could you see the shadow

when everything seems right, could you feel anxiety
when everyone is not listening, would you?

November 08, 2011



Chloé long sleeve top
£495 -

Animal print corset top
$68 -

Amen. jersey pants
€86 -

Yumi lace skirt
€45 -

BURAK UYAN bootie boots
$925 -

Roberto Cavalli chain jewelry
$1,195 -

Long belt
$28 -

November 07, 2011

Mind's Flush

sad to say that my long weekend which is three days long, is officially over by tonight. i will start my ordinary college life, which is such a buzzy day, tomorrow morning. im actually gonna stay up late tonight! ya tonight! i got 2 tests and 1 bantex to be submitted by wednesday. im already got headache by only imagine all those things :s

you know what bloggie, i am working on my sister's homework, like really. and what shes doing? shes just wandering and ask me "has it done yet?" If i could throw anything, i would have already done that hours ago. because ive been doing this thing since 6 and now i havent finished yet.

this is a bad ending for my holidays. totally.

okay enough being a victim. but i cant stop these words coming through my mouth, uh no, my mind. i was have my own principal, never complain because God dont like complainers. im still working so hard to keep me down on the track. nobody is perfect. nobody.

i had some financial issues... i only got about 30 thousands in my wallet. im broke.

gosh im so random, dont you think? dont you feel bored staring at the screen, reading my complains about everything? i wonder who is the one who never bored staring at my life's journal and smiling instead. one day im gonna be surprised and blushing cause of that oooooor freak out....

November 06, 2011

Most Stylish Bunny Ever♥

First time I knew about Fifi Lapin was 2 or 3 years ago when i read magazine which contained an article about fashion blogger and voila there it is Fifi Lapin. Youre gonna agree with me if i say she's totally cute.

I was fell in love with the illustration at the first place but of course, theres no question about the style. Rock On Bunny!

The new book written by Fifi (too bad it hasnt seen in indonesia yet)

I actually re-draw the last picture of fifi, but my phone was broke down cause of memory card problem so i cant post the picture :(

Last but not least, much bunny kisses, xoxo